Book Editing - UP' Magazine

La Démocratie

La Démocratie – Entre défis et menaces, sous la direction de Jean-Vincent Holeindre – Editions Sciences Humaines, 3 septembre 2020 – 306 Pages La démocratie désigne un régime politique, c’est-à-dire un mode d’organisation de la vie commune reposant sur des institutions. C’est aussi une forme de société constituée de deux


Face aux arbres

Face aux arbres – Apprendre à les observer pour les comprendre de Christophe Drénou et Georges Feterman – Editions Ulmer, 2019 Il ne faut pas simplement voir les arbres, il faut les regarder. Et cela s’apprend. Face aux arbres, le premier réflexe est le plus souvent de déterminer leurs noms :


For a confidence revolution

Pour une révolution de la confiance - Réformer l'école, refonder l'entreprise, transformer la société, de Michel Hervé - Edition Dunod, 2020 Reforming school, rebuilding the company, transforming society, these are the three axes that structure Michel Hervé's social project. This book is a plea for the establishment of a real


What's up to us

Ce qui dépend de nous - Manifesto for an ecological and solidarity relocation of the Attac Association - Editions Les Liens qui Libèrent (LLL), 24 June 2020 After the pandemic, the word "relocation" is now in everyone's mouth. Minimalist and cosmetic in its neo-liberal version, hateful in its


The slaves of the anthropocene

Les esclaves de l'anthropocène - Petrodollar, intérêts financiers, manipulation de masse, by Nicolas Teterel - Editions Yves Michel, 3 June 2020 - 324 Pages Nicolas Teterel defends the thesis that our system of monetary creation through interest-bearing debt obliges us mathematically to generate new debts more


Urban planning and biodiversity - Towards a living landscape structuring the urban project

Urban planning and biodiversity - Towards a living landscape structuring the urban project, under the direction of Philippe Clergeau - Edition Apogée, 3 June 2020 - 328 Pages Urban planning is at a turning point in its history. The consideration of nature in the city, and particularly of vegetation, is contributing to the development of the urban landscape.


Misuse of science

Détournement de science - Etre scientifique au temps du libéralisme, by Jean-Marie Vigoureux - Edition écosociété, 28 May 2020 - 215 Pages Is scientific development responsible for the destruction of nature, biodiversity, climate change and pollution? Science is increasingly


Les limites planétaires

Les limites planétaires, d’Aurélien Boutaud et Natacha Gondran – Editions La Découverte, 28 mai 2020 – 128 pages La question des limites environnementales a traversé les XIXe et XXe siècles sans vraiment parvenir à s’imposer. La donne serait-elle en train de changer en ce début de XXIe siècle ? Face


Is the book environmentally friendly?

Is the book environmentally friendly? Matières, artisans, fictions - By the Association pour l'écologie du livre - Editions Wildproject, March 2020 How can we imagine post-oil books? Publishers, booksellers, authors and foresters are paving the way for a true ecology of the book. Much more than an ebook, the book can be a support for the ecology of the book.


Internet or the return of the candle

Internet ou le retour à la bougie, by Hervé Krief - Edition écosociété, collection " Résilience ", 19 March 2020 - 120 Pages It is said: " The tool is neutral, it is the use we make of it that is decisive. "Is that so? It is impossible to engage in a debate on new technologies and the meaning


Economics explained to humans (or how ecology transforms the economy)

L'économie expliquée aux humains by Emmanuel Delannoy - Preface by Hubert Reeves - Editions Wildproject, March 2020 - 160 Pages " Homo sapiens, dear great bipedal primate endowed with reason, it is to you that I write today. Before going any further, and at the risk of disturbing you, I would like to make you aware of the fact that I am writing to you today.


Work metamorphosis

Métamorphose du travail, by Christine Afriat with the participation of Evelyne Bertin, Eric Hauet, Emily Lecourtois, Olivier Lejeune, Alain Petitjean - Editions Economica, March 2020 Artificial intelligence, robotics, 3D printing, industry 4.0, connected objects, blockchain are some of the threats that technological evolution poses to existing jobs. Beyond


The small Republic of Saillans

La petite République de Saillans, une expérience de démocratie participative, by Maud Dugrand - Edition enquête la brune au rouergue, February 2020 - 180 Pages In mars 2014, as the National Front makes a historic breakthrough in the first round of municipal elections, Saillans, a small town in 1 300 inhabitants in

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