Facebook Storm

Facebook: a monster out of control?


The social network created by Mark Zuckerberg is used to collecting superlatives. Its users number in the billions, its turnover is astronomical, its data analysis is the most accurate in the world, and so forth. The storm that Facebook is currently going through can only be huge, planetary, apocalyptic. Every

Redesigning l'21st Century Enterprise

How to redesign the company of the 21st century?

C’est un des grands chantiers du gouvernement pour 2018. La loi PACTE (plan d’action pour la croissance et la transformation des entreprises) compte mettre en œuvre une réforme en profondeur de l’entreprise. Les objectifs principaux sont ambitieux : repenser la finalité de l’entreprise, faire évoluer son modèle social, avec in fine


Lactalis: when milk turns sour


Lactalis has been in the limelight for a few days now. Her infant formula was found to be contaminated with salmonella. An industrial accident, as it happens a lot, but here it takes a particular turn. The Lactalis affair becomes the absolute counterexample of what not to do in communication.

Tesla - Elon Musk

TESLA: Uploading the future


Elon Musk, an archetypal Silicon Valley entrepreneur, cut out for a blockbuster from Marvel Studios, believes he can change the world and solve its fundamental problems. Some of his companies - PayPal, SpaceX, Hyperloop, and Tesla - aim to rethink structural industries: banking, space, transportation, and energy.


90 companies are responsible for 50 % of global warming


Dans une étude publiée le jeudi 7 septembre dans le journal scientifique Climatic Change, par l’ONG américaine Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS), des chercheurs ont analysé la contribution des émissions historiques des pays industrialisés et des pays en développement à l’augmentation de la température de la planète. Des résultats selon

Coral bleaching

Exxon charged with reef crime


These are entire massifs of coral reefs, usually teeming with life and sparkling with colours that have inexorably whitened. This year has broken records in the ecological disaster that this coral death represents. Huge areas have been decimated, from the Great Barrier Reef to the islands.
