Le modèle économique des Big Techs cause un préjudice irréparable à la société. Il doit être réformé.

Le modèle économique des Big Techs cause un préjudice irréparable à la société. Il doit être réformé.


La semaine dernière, une foule violente a mené une attaque en règle contre le Capitole, siège de la démocratie américaine. Une foule mobilisée sur la fausse croyance que l’élection présidentielle avait été volée. Le principal auteur de cette affirmation est le président Donald Trump. Mais cette foule montant à l‘assaut


Towards a new management paradigm: What if we took people into account?

Employees and employers are divorced, managerial thinking has ground to a halt, trillions in mergers have vanished into thin air, and state missions such as research, education, health and safety have become financialized. People are sick of working as they're told, according to protocols and no longer according to their craft. One of the consequences:

Lumières, la box de pépites à lire

Profession : chercheur de pépites à lire


Le succès des livres traditionnels ne se dément pas ; les bons livres en vrai papier, qui sentent bon l’encre quand on les ouvre pour la première fois, ces livres font un carton !  On pensait qu’ils allaient disparaître ensevelis par la vague du numérique. Que nenni ! les livres ne se sont


Can we move towards a resilient economy?

After the collective shock of the coronavirus epidemic, nothing can be the same anymore. The living reality imposes itself on us. Planetary and ecological logics force us to review our ways of innovating, exchanging and investing. We must reconsider our projects. So, can this health crisis we have just gone through change the way we live?


The commons, for another future of work

"Nothing will ever be the same again. " This sentence, it's been resonating on the web for the past few weeks. With containment, a tidal wave of questions about tomorrow's world is surging across our screens. And the future of work occupies a central place in this questioning (e.g. here and there). In fact, this


Faster! Young companies faced with government aid measures

In order to support businesses in the face of the crisis caused by the coronavirus epidemic, the French government has announced a number of measures. Innovative companies believe that the measures are a step in the right direction but that the recovery will have to be thought through over the long term, according to a study by the Committee.

universal basic income

Pandemic Creates Basic Income Urgency

In addition to the health risks it poses to everyone, the Covid-19 pandemic is causing a partial or total loss of income for many. The French Movement for a Basic Income (MFRB) considers it more necessary than ever to establish a sustainable universal income. This is what Spain has just done:


To the great evils, the great cures

The scale and speed of the Covid 19 disaster must force us to rethink our societies. As after every disruptive event, our social fundamentals, our value systems and our production methods are being profoundly questioned. Today, this health crisis must

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