private data

Can we imagine a future without Facebook?


On the occasion of the 9th Day without Facebook, this Thursday 28 February, author Thomas Fauré denounces the technological schizophrenia that keeps Europe happy in front of Facebook, despite the thousand revelations that have been made about it. He claims that at the heart of the Old Continent there are the means to invest in

big data

The challenges of Big Data for businesses


Big Data is one of the major challenges of the coming decades, so much so that companies are already starting to organize themselves to take this new phenomenon into account by devoting entire divisions to data analysis. In the past, statisticians and data analysts were responsible for collecting and analysing data.

ecology and cryptomony

Cryptomoney: not very ecological currency?

On en parle en bien depuis plusieurs années déjà, mais le phénomène des cryptomonnaies fait aujourd’hui débat. Ces monnaies, de plus en plus utilisées par tous dans le monde entier, sont accusées d’êtres énergivores. En effet, afin de « débloquer » des bitcoins, les mineurs doivent résoudre des problèmes complexes nécessitant l’utilisation

circular economy and textiles

The circular economy in fashion

The textile industry is the second most polluting industry in the world. Existing recycling solutions are not sufficient to solve the problems raised by resource management in this sector. The circular economy would provide relevant solutions to meet the challenges faced by the textile industry: prevention actions, reuse,

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