biodiversity and artificialisation

Artificialization of land: biodiversity at risk!


Urbanisation gained on natural or cultivated areas, expansion of industrial or commercial infrastructures, roads, car parks, ... all contribute to a complete and often irreversible change in land use. Few people are aware of this, but France is particularly affected by this phenomenon, which leads to the loss of biodiversity and farms.


Monkeys in Davos

In the recent past, two announcements deserve to be compared and commented on. The first is the prediction of the near disappearance of apes from the planet within 25 to 50 years. The second is the fear of an "end of globalization" expressed in Davos by various supporters of free trade, including


World Wetlands Day: resisting extreme natural events

Every year on February 2nd, the whole planet celebrates wetlands: The 2017 edition of World Wetlands Day is dedicated to the role of these exceptional territories in disaster prevention. As every year on the same date since 2001, French citizens will be made aware of the importance of wetlands in the prevention of disasters.


You bears! : an exhibition between mythology and pedagogy

On the occasion of the temporary exhibition "Espèces d'Ours ! "currently taking place in the Grande Galerie de l'Evolution, the National Museum of Natural History is enriching its special programme devoted to the world of ursidae and welcomes the naturalist photographer Vincent Munier. His exhibition "Ours", presented from the 10th of October, will be on display at the museum.


Europe's seabed habitats now have their map

Despite technical progress, accurate and comprehensive mapping of seabed habitats remains a challenge due to their difficult access and the vastness of the seas. Since 2008, Ifremer has been participating in the EUSeaMap project aimed at mapping the benthic habitats of European waters. After completion

Boxwood borer

It's a pest party.

With global warming and the boom in trade, pests such as the boxwood borer and the weevil are expanding rapidly," says Elisabeth Tabone, head of the INRA biocontrol laboratory in Antibes. It appeared in Germany in 2007 via a plant imported from Asia, the boxwood borer,
