Mercosur : la France s’oppose au projet pour protéger la forêt amazonienne

Après vingt ans de négociations, interrompues à plusieurs reprises, la France rejette le traité de libre-échange Mercosur en l’état entre l’Union européenne et des pays sud-américains, compte tenu de l’orientation prise par les politiques publiques de ce bloc de pays qui vont clairement à l’encontre des objectifs collectifs de l’Accord


L’agroécologie est-elle rentable ?

Pollutions diffuses, atteintes à la biodiversité liées à l’usage des pesticides, émissions de CO2, mais aussi faiblesse des revenus de nombreux agriculteurs… bien que l’agriculture conventionnelle assure notre sécurité alimentaire, elle présente aujourd’hui de nombreuses et graves vulnérabilités. Des fragilités qui se renforcent avec le dérèglement climatique, synonyme de sécheresses


After Covid-19, what's the feed tomorrow?

Small habits that will tend to disappear, profound changes in the ways of consuming, emergence of a "Covid Generation"? The health crisis raises the question of tomorrow's new trends in terms of consumption and, in particular, food. Agribashing, mistrust of industrial brands, distrust of retailers, arrival of new players, etc.

German Green MEPs promote CRISPR and genetic engineering in agriculture

German Green MEPs promote CRISPR and genetic engineering in agriculture


A group of German Green MEPs supports the use of genetic engineering techniques, which they believe could make a significant contribution to sustainable development. This is a novel approach that runs counter to the position that environmentalists usually take on this subject. In a forum on 10 June, the 22 signatories - who


Would the bio boom make a splash?

Organic has never been debated and has imposed itself in people's minds and practices as a matter of course. Last June, the Organic Agency, which has been scrutinizing this market for several years, published an impressive number of records. Explosion in the number of organic farms, expansion of the range of crops that have become even more important in the future.


When engineers go green

How do we engage students in a career that serves the ecological transition and the common good? This is the challenge revealed by a new kind of partnership, that between an engineering school and a startup that has developed a connected greenhouse to produce its own food. Explanations. More and more

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