
A call to the food giants: Put biodiversity on our plates!

In France, the current industrial agricultural model is impoverishing biodiversity, depriving farmers of the ecological services provided by nature and ultimately threatening our ability to feed ourselves. We must therefore accelerate the agro-ecological transition from input-dependent agriculture. To do this, the Noé association is asking, through

organic drifts

The Hidden Wolves of the Organic Boom

Organic farming is definitely on the up and up. The latest figures published by the Organic Agency, which has been scrutinising this market for several years, set an impressive series of records. But behind these abstract figures, there are some very concrete realities. The organic origins, the organic products grown by farmers and the organic

global commerce

Do international trade agreements threaten our democratic choices?


The European Union is increasing the number of bilateral free trade agreements, in all opacity. This is the analysis and point of view of the foodwatch association, which defends the rights of consumer citizens to greater transparency in the food sector and access to healthy food. A few days before the European elections, the organisation

énergie renouvelable

La mutation du secteur agricole par la production d’énergie

Et si l’agriculture française devenait le premier fournisseur d’énergie renouvelable ? Car les enjeux liés à l’énergie, aux Gaz à effet de serre (GES) et au changement climatique interpellent de plus en plus les agriculteurs. Toutefois, les agriculteurs qui possèdent une quantité suffisante de déchets n’ont parfois pas les ressources financières

glyphosate application

Glyphosate: European authorities took Monsanto's reports verbatim to authorize the pesticide


Pure plagiarism. In literature, it's not very pretty, but in public health, it's very serious. In 2017, the European Union extended the use of glyphosate, the famous herbicide from the firm Monsanto/Bayer, for five years. This authorisation is the result of an expert report that plagiarized the use of glyphosate.

alternative power

Systèmes agricoles et alimentaires « alternatifs » : So what ?

Agriculture biologique, commerce équitable, … quelles différences et pour quels avantages ? La recherche en économie et sociologie rurale rassemble derrière les termes « réseaux agri-alimentaires alternatifs » et « systèmes alimentaires alternatifs » des initiatives aussi diverses que le commerce équitable, l’agriculture biologique, les circuits courts de proximité ou les


Agricultural capital: building sites for a cultivated city

Bousculés par la crise environnementale et préoccupés par leur alimentation et leur santé, les habitants de la métropole considèrent à nouveau l’agriculture. Mais la vision idéale qu’ils en ont gardée est difficile à projeter face à l’organisation et les pratiques de la ville contemporaine. La manifestation « Capital agricole –


Monsanto's dicamba, the controversial cousin of glyphosate, is licensed in the USA. Europe soon?


American farmers will be able to use dicamba in their crops. This pesticide, a cousin of glyphosate, is produced by Monsanto-Bayer. Highly controversial, it was the subject of fierce discussions but finally the American authorities have just renewed its authorization. Volatile, it spreads to neighbouring fields and devastates everything, or almost everything,

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