new solidarity

The major challenge of the transition: manifesting the "ET".

Deciding to reconcile contradictions, to bring opposing actors into dialogue and to find multidisciplinary solutions to the inextricable paradoxes of our complexity becomes an ethical imperative for a successful transition of civilization. Indeed, in the age of the anthropocene, our decisions now have an impact on the whole world, all of us, and the world as a whole.


Who wants to get rid of the passwords?

Ubiquitous in our hyper-connected world, passwords guarantee the security of our personal information online. While they tend to be forgotten on a daily basis, they come back to the forefront with each new mass hack. In the dock, many new technologies, such as biometrics, are now being used to protect personal information.

private data

Can we imagine a future without Facebook?


On the occasion of the 9th Day without Facebook, this Thursday 28 February, author Thomas Fauré denounces the technological schizophrenia that keeps Europe happy in front of Facebook, despite the thousand revelations that have been made about it. He claims that at the heart of the Old Continent there are the means to invest in

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