Information vs. algorithms

How is information and misinformation disseminated on digital social networks? Jens Koed Madsen, a researcher at the Complex Human-Environment Systems Simulation Group (Cohesys) at the University of Oxford, explained the main cognitive biases induced by users and by algorithms in an interview with the publication "Mediation".

free of charge

GAFA regulation: the gratuity trap

While "free models" are nothing new, the digital economy has given them an unprecedented scale. From the LinkedIn professional network to dating applications and video games, digital players are deploying a range of strategies in which the user has free access to a partial service according to the following criteria

Endangered giants on their pedestal

Endangered giants on their pedestal

Protection of personal data, control over the advertising market, online search or social networks, dominant position in online commerce or control of the market for smartphone applications... Grievances against the digital giants are the source of many investigations, both on the American side and on the European side.

iPhone smartphone

How Apple copies the best ideas

It is an article in the Washington Post signed by our colleague Reed Albergotti who throws this paving stone into the pond and breaks the silence. The mythical and often adulated apple brand shamelessly plunders the best ideas in the applications it hosts on its own App Store. Privilege of


Who wants to get rid of the passwords?

Ubiquitous in our hyper-connected world, passwords guarantee the security of our personal information online. While they tend to be forgotten on a daily basis, they come back to the forefront with each new mass hack. In the dock, many new technologies, such as biometrics, are now being used to protect personal information.

private data

Can we imagine a future without Facebook?


On the occasion of the 9th Day without Facebook, this Thursday 28 February, author Thomas Fauré denounces the technological schizophrenia that keeps Europe happy in front of Facebook, despite the thousand revelations that have been made about it. He claims that at the heart of the Old Continent there are the means to invest in

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