research innovation

CRCT Sud-Francilien: from basic research to the patient's bedside


Une première en France : Le CRCT – Centre de Recherche Clinique et Translationnelle, centre de recherche pour accélérer le progrès médical situé à l’interface entre recherche exploratoire et clinique, vient d’être inauguré ce mardi 3 mars 2015. Il est designed to create a continuum of research and care by bringing together researchers, industrialists and hospital practitioners and providing them with the conditions to take the next steps in the development of biomedical innovations jusqu’à l’application clinique. Objectif : favoriser le passage des nouvelles thérapies des laboratoires vers la pratique médicale et accélérer ainsi le progrès médical. Pour que chercheurs et médecins travaillent ensemble.

Bâti au cœur du Genopole of Evry and close to the Centre Hospitalier Sud Francilien (CHSF), the Centre de Recherche Clinique et Translational (CRCT) Sud Francilien, whose foundation stone was laid on September 12, 2013 and which will open its doors in the fall of 2014, was inaugurated on Tuesday, March 3 by Isabelle This Saint-Jean, President of Genopole® and Vice-President of the Ile-de-France Regional Council in charge of higher education and research, Jérôme Guedj, President of the Essonne General Council, Jean-Pierre Bechter, President of the Seine Essonne Urban Community and Mayor of Corbeil-Essonnes and Pierre Tambourin, President of the CRCT.
The inaugural plaque was unveiled after a tour of the building, its L1 and L2 containment laboratories, its common and technical areas and the platform that will be set up later to house a stem cell platform.

"This centre is a first in France, a centre entirely dedicated to so-called 'translational' research". souligne Pierre Tambourin, Directeur Général de Genopole, et vice-président de Medicen Paris Région.
Translational research was born recently out of the realization that it is difficult to carry out or continue research that is important for patients. It aims to forge an effective link between the different forms of research, fundamental, targeted, applied and clinical, with the objective that advances in knowledge are translated as quickly as possible into medical advances for the patient, by bringing together and making specialists from all stages of the process - from the test tube to the hospital bed - and by ensuring that information flows in both directions: from fundamental to applied and from applied to fundamental, to create a real synergy.

Le CRCT, nouveau modèle d’organisation de la recherche, est conçu comme un hôtel à projets, destiné à accueillir des projets ponctuels de recherche translationnelle. Pierre Tambourin précise : "We won't rent just walls, but a whole environment. We will set up a network of skills around this centre and we will also provide the scientific environment to support these projects. It is in this spirit that the I-Stem Stem Cell Institute, an Inserm/AFM-Telethon unit highly involved in translational research, will soon be installed in this building. »

An interface structure to develop the scientific, industrial and hospital potential of Evry-Corbeil and to see the emergence of innovative therapies.

Four priority lines of research are brought together in the structure: "new therapeutic approaches", "genomics", "visualization of the living" and "epidemiological, clinical and therapeutic investigations". This centre is set to become one of the main players in the Medicen Paris Région competitiveness cluster.

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The South-Francilian CRCT is built in the heart of Genopole®.The hotel is located in the immediate vicinity of the Centre Hospitalier Sud Francilien (CHSF) and the AFM-Téléthon. It benefits from the favourable environment of the biocluster, scientific, university and industrial, and provides the structure to establish the link between the hospital, laboratories and companies.
- The Genopole biocluster brings together academic research laboratories, biotech companies and shared technology platforms. Its ambition is to build the medicine of tomorrow. New therapies are being developed in line with advances in genomics and biotechnology.
- The AFM-Telethon is a major player in biomedical research for rare diseases.. Its Genethon and I-Stem laboratories, present on the site, are leaders in gene and cell therapy. Genethon Bioprod is the largest production center for gene therapy drugs in the world.
- The CHSF, a reference establishment for the south of Ile-de-France, représentant un bassin de population de 600 000 habitants, compte plus de 1 000 lits et dispose d’une plate-forme de recherche clinique depuis son ouverture en 2012. Le CRCT viendra consolider l’implication dans la recherche des équipes médicales du CHSF. L’accord de coopération conclu entre le CHSF et les hôpitaux universitaires Paris-Sud ouvre des perspectives communes en matière de recherche.
- The University of Evry-Val-d'Essonne (UEVE), with its 18 laboratories, is a major centre of research in the South of France.. Université pluridisciplinaire et professionnalisante, l’UEVE est reconnue pour la diversité de son offre de formation et pour la qualité de sa recherche et son excellence dans le domaine de la génomique et de la post-génomique appliquées à la santé et à l’industrie.

In addition, the CRCT wishes to develop partnerships with university hospitals. The network of collaborations between hospital practitioners and research teams will be driven by the nature of the innovations.

A project hotel

An innovative concept of a shared research infrastructure, the CRCT is intended to host and support projects for technology transfer or the management of a prototype or product to the hospital for temporary periods of a few months to two years. It offers 700 m² of private or semi-private L1 and L2 containment laboratories, 550 m² of offices and 350 m² of common areas, delivered on a turnkey basis, as well as a conference room with a capacity of 150 people.
A "one-stop shop" reception desk should facilitate contact with the CHSF's clinicians and contractualisation with the hospital, and provide administrative and legal expertise.

Two I-Stem Translational Research Projects at the CRCT :

- PACE, carried out in close collaboration with the AP/HP (Hôpital Tenon) which promotes it, is intended to evaluate the potential of epidermal transplants derived from embryonic stem cells for the treatment of skin ulcers associated with sickle cell disease.
- STREAM, conducted in close collaboration with the Vision Institute, aims to evaluate the potential of retinal pigmentary epithelium grafts produced from embryonic stem cells and secondary pluripotency-induced cells for the treatment of retinitis pigmentosa of genetic origin and atrophic AMD.

Valuing stem cell research

The CRCT's activity starts around cell therapy, with the installation of the I-Stem Stem Cell Institute, the largest French R&D laboratory dedicated to human pluripotent stem cells. According to its Scientific Director Marc Peschanski: "The CRCT is an extraordinary tool to enable us to go faster to the patient, to the clinical trial and, as soon as the results authorize it, to the provision of innovative therapies".

This first collaboration will allow the CRCT to demonstrate proof of concept on important translational research programs aimed at the application of stem cells for therapeutic purposes.
The CRCT will also take advantage of opportunities to pool means and resources with I-Stem to develop scientific and clinical expertise in the field of biotherapies, and to extend its technological offerings by offering access to high level robotic platforms for mass cell production and high and medium throughput screening of compounds with therapeutic potential.

"A centre of excellence in research, I hope the CRCT will also be a centre of excellence in medical applications." states Darrin Bechter. 

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Jérôme Guedj  quant à lui, estime qu’ils ont à Evry-Corbeil « a pole of international visibility in health, genomics and biotech. The two recently built centers, CRCT and Genethon Bioprod, are two coherent projects that illustrate the success of the Department ". . Propos confirmés par Isabelle This Saint-Jean : "We are here on a very special site that brings together training, innovation and medicine. So it's not surprising that this original centre is located here. It illustrates a strong, forward-looking dynamic. "

The CRCT is the culmination of a successful partnership between Genopole®, the Centre Hospitalier Sud Francilien, the AFM-Téléthon and the University of Evry-Val-d'Essonne.
The project has been financed to the tune of €16.5 million as part of the CPER 2007-2013 project - Ile-de-France Regional Council for €10 million - Essonne General Council for €5 million and the European "Feder in Europe" project led by the Seine Essonne Conurbation Community.
European Economic and Regional Development Fund: €1.5 million

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