
Save the Amazon? Even the G7 doesn't believe in it.

"No, Mr Macron, a demonetised, impotent G7 will not save the Amazon or the climate."


Emmanuel Macron calls on the G7 to "talk" about the fires by Amazonia and to adopt three positions in this regard. A G7, disarmed by its divisions, demonetized by its broken promises and delegitimized by its record, can it save the Amazon? No, he can't. Because he promised to save the world at... Several times, no one believes it anymore. Those who started the fire ...the planet cannot extinguish it.

FREE TRIAL* by Maxime Combes, economist, Attac France spokesperson.

The G7 was born out of the 1973 oil shock and the crisis economic. He grew up to "stabilize" the world economy and has (badly) aged to try to ensure the domination of its member countries. It's not much to say that environmental protection and the fight against disruption of the environment climatic conditions aren't really in his DNA.

However, the G7 has been forced by force of circumstance to take an interest in it. Meeting in Tokyo at the beginning of May 1986, just a few days after the the beginning of the Chernobyl disaster - as today in the case of the the Amazon - the G7 has been working to guarantee (sic) the rest of the world security civil nuclear. "Nuclear energy is and will remain a source of energy for the future. more and more widely used," he said, nevertheless, in order to save the nuclear industry of global disgrace.

As early as the following year, the Venice G7 welcomed "the significant progress" in "safety in the management of nuclear energy" (re-sic). When the G7 became G8 - integration of the Russia - he also pledged to work against proliferation. military nuclear power (Moscow 1996). We know the result, both in terms of the civil nuclear as well as military.

The G7 in L'Aquila (Italy), in the summer of 2007, will be the first to be 2009, in order to find a quantified commitment to fight against the climate change: the G8 committed rich countries to reduce their emissions of greenhouse gases. emissions of at least 80% by 2050. Yes, you read correctly: at least 80 % by 2050. A commitment that the G7-G8 no longer dared to renew. Not until the COP21, not after. A commitment that its member countries refuse to keep.

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Since then, the G7 has, at best, been standing still: the presence of the and the length of a paragraph on climate in its final communiqué varies by s priorities, not because of the worsening of the climate crisis. There is no way that the G7 will question its neo-liberal, productivist and crosstalker orientation: the three engines of economic globalisation have always been, are and will continue to be the three most important immovable pillars of G7 communiqués and action. Divestment of fossil fuels and the regulation of climate control activities have never been there. Freedom of the City.

When Emmanuel Macron called on the G7 to "raise some to be able to reforest as quickly as possible", "develop prevention mechanisms" and "halting the process of deforestation". industrialized", so this is wishful thinking at best. Promises that Only those who believe in it, such as those taken on the morrow. of the Chernobyl disaster. Those who believe in it are less and less in fewer in number.

The G7 has a track record: having promised to save the world over and over again, his promises have been demonetized: did he not, in addition to "ensuring the safety of civil nuclear power and and makes the climate its priority, cancelling the debt of poor countries by 1999 in Cologne and ended poverty in 2005 in Gleneagles (Scotland)?

The G7 itself no longer believes in it. No joint communiqué has been issued. will be published at the end of this one. A promise making machine, the G7 of Biarritz is going to admit to the eyes of the whole world its full and complete impotence. The G7 is disarmed: it has no tools, no propelling force, no adequate response to the challenges before us. Neither in the Amazon, nor elsewhere.

Who indeed can believe that Emmanuel Macron is going to convince Donald and Boris to make the Amazon - and more broadly the climate - the priority of their actions? No one.

The G7 and its world

The G7 and its world is the world of those who pretend solve the problems they help to generate and amplify. From this conniving diplomacy where handshakes count more than actions, where the photo replaces the substance, where promises are never followed through on. of effect. Yesterday's Western hegemony, which no longer has any basis and has no no longer relevant.

The G7 and its world is an outdated world that we let's inherit the past century. The G7 is a slag, a relic, that we have be bequeathed and that it would be good to lock up in the attic and relegate to the only history books.

You don't trust the people who turned on the lights and fed the planetary fire the charge to extinguish it. At best, they are expected to that they make their actions consistent with their words: Emmanuel Macron is it prepared to protect the 360 000 hectares of forests in French Guiana threatened by the mining permits while his government has been in continuous operation since 2017. to issue new exploration permits? Is it prepared to suspend ALL infrastructure projects in France that contribute to the destruction of forests and land (OCG, Europacity, etc)? Is it ready to act decisively to import and consume in France more of the products of the deforestation on the other side of the planet? Is he willing to give up all trade and investment agreements that contribute to amplifying "this imported deforestation" (the Amazon is not the only region in the world with "imported deforestation"). burn) ?

The Amazon is not the only region of the world to burn...

Its day-to-day policy, the one that is carried out when the CNN cameras are no longer there, answer no to all these questions, and questions. Therefore, no, neither Emmanuel Macron nor the G7 are going to save the Amazon in Biarritz.

Maxime Combes, economist, Attac spokesperson France, and author of Sortons de l'âge des fossiles! Manifesto for the transition, Threshold, Anthropocene, 2015.

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Blandine Vue
4 years

We wonder what legitimacy France has to prevent others from deforesting their territory, signing massive petitions, when we see how fast the French forest is falling, the trunks of trees that are too young lining up along the state or communal forests managed by the ONF, pieces of 2 m trunks in monstrous piles waiting to be shredded, entire hillsides deforested, IGN aerial photos showing entire massifs laid bare, with just a small "cache" along the roads to hide the massacre, the banks deprived of their alder trees, the overexploitation policy of… Read more "

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