1TP3Economics - Page 3

Est-on capable en France et en Europe de se réinventer et d’en débattre ? Chiche Monsieur le Président !

Réinventer, refonder : on semble n’avoir dans les hautes sphères que cela à la bouche. Et tant mieux. C’est le reflet d’une prise de conscience des impasses dans lesquelles nous nous trouvons avec notre conception de l’économie, de la gouvernance, du droit, des relations entre les sociétés, prise de conscience


Can we move towards a resilient economy?

After the collective shock of the coronavirus epidemic, nothing can be the same anymore. The living reality imposes itself on us. Planetary and ecological logics force us to review our ways of innovating, exchanging and investing. We must reconsider our projects. So, can this health crisis we have just gone through change the way we live?


The slaves of the anthropocene

Les esclaves de l'anthropocène - Petrodollar, intérêts financiers, manipulation de masse, by Nicolas Teterel - Editions Yves Michel, 3 June 2020 - 324 Pages Nicolas Teterel defends the thesis that our system of monetary creation through interest-bearing debt obliges us mathematically to generate new debts more


Faster! Young companies faced with government aid measures

In order to support businesses in the face of the crisis caused by the coronavirus epidemic, the French government has announced a number of measures. Innovative companies believe that the measures are a step in the right direction but that the recovery will have to be thought through over the long term, according to a study by the Committee.


To the great evils, the great cures

The scale and speed of the Covid 19 disaster must force us to rethink our societies. As after every disruptive event, our social fundamentals, our value systems and our production methods are being profoundly questioned. Today, this health crisis must


Coronavirus: the crisis of our frailties

While questions remain unanswered about the coronavirus, its nature, dynamics, capacity to spread and even mutate, more is known about the characteristics of the populations first affected. The latest studies confirm that the elderly and vulnerable provide the largest numbers of people


An ecological currency to save the planet

Une monnaie écologique pour sauver la planète, by Alain Grandjean and Nicolas Dufrêne - Preface by Nicolas Hulot - Editions Odile Jacob, 26 February 2020 - 280 Pages The climate emergency is facing a formidable financing problem. No conventional financial strategy is capable of rapidly mobilising the considerable sums of money that are needed to meet the challenge.

Growth at all costs: an untenable imperative?

Growth at all costs: an untenable imperative?

Growth (implied GDP) is the barometer of our societies. But this indicator is being questioned by a growing number of people who are becoming aware of the crisis and the ecological risk. Many of them evoke, without going further in the analysis, that "infinite growth in an

museum of l'economy

CITÉCO, the 1st museum of economy opens in Paris


On 14 June in Paris, Citéco is opening Europe's first interactive museum dedicated to the economy. In the heart of the Gaillard Hotel, a masterpiece of neo-Renaissance architecture and former branch of the Banque de France, Citéco is deploying a permanent exhibition covering more than 2,400 m2 offering a fun and educational access to the concepts,

global commerce

Do international trade agreements threaten our democratic choices?


The European Union is increasing the number of bilateral free trade agreements, in all opacity. This is the analysis and point of view of the foodwatch association, which defends the rights of consumer citizens to greater transparency in the food sector and access to healthy food. A few days before the European elections, the organisation


New Chair " Blockchain & B2B Platforms " at Polytechnique

Capgemini, the École Polytechnique, and the École Polytechnique Foundation are launching a Chair dedicated to the technological and economic implications of the blockchain in order to promote higher education and research in this emerging field. Jérôme Siméon, President of Capgemini France, and François Bouchet, Chief Executive Officer of the École polytechnique, inaugurated the Chair.

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