#Nicolas Hulot

Après le libre-échange

Après le libre-échange – Quel commerce international face aux défis écologiques, de Mathilde Dupré et Samuel Leré – Préface de Nicolas Hulot et Philippe Frémeaux – Edition Les Petits matins, Fondation Nicolas Hulot, Institut Veblen, Septembre 2020 – 105 pages Comment faire pour que la viande que nous consommons ne


Automotive sector: time for a profound transformation

While Bruno Le Maire announced on May 18th that a recovery plan for the automotive sector would be implemented within a fortnight, and that Emmanuel Macron will announce tomorrow his support plan for the automotive sector, the Nicolas Hulot Foundation publishes "Quelle stratégie pour le secteur automobile en France après la crise du Covid-19" (What strategy for the automotive sector in France after the Covid crisis?).


An ecological currency to save the planet

Une monnaie écologique pour sauver la planète, by Alain Grandjean and Nicolas Dufrêne - Preface by Nicolas Hulot - Editions Odile Jacob, 26 February 2020 - 280 Pages The climate emergency is facing a formidable financing problem. No conventional financial strategy is capable of rapidly mobilising the considerable sums of money that are needed to meet the challenge.


Major groups' hand on the university

Total plans to locate its research and innovation department in the heart of Polytechnique, a school under the supervision of the French Ministry of the Armed Forces. The students are rising up and denouncing the affair because they do not want to associate the school's image with the oil and gas multinational. In spite of the State's supervision, the Grande Ecole


Climate: The French make their revolution without the elites

For 85% of the French, the government is not up to the environmental challenges, while 78% of them want ecology to become a government priority. This new school year is witnessing a flurry of citizen initiatives to save the climate and our future. Marches, petitions, appeals...the initiatives are numerous and prove that,

resignation Nicolas Hulot

Resignation of N. Hulot: ecological incompatibility

Is a Liberal government compatible with ecological, environmental and global issues? Nothing is less certain. Emmanuel Macron had entrusted the most indisputable personality with the mission of irrigating the governance of the State, as close as possible to the heart of power, to the ecological dimension. The resignation of

Nicolas Hulot

Nicolas Hulot is working to restore biodiversity

Nicolas Hulot, Minister of State, Minister for Ecological and Solidarity Transition, has made the recovery of biodiversity a key issue in the Ministry's political action, on a par with the energy transition, and invites citizens, organizations and territories to take up this challenge in order to

building renovation

Building Energy Retrofit Plan: the Steering Committee is ready

Nicolas Hulot, Jacques Mézard et Julien Denormandie, ont installé aujourd’hui le comité de pilotage du plan de rénovation énergétique des bâtiments. Objectif : coconstruire une France sobre en carbone. Animé par Marjolaine Meynier-Millefert, députée de l’Isère, et Alain Maugard, président de Qualibat, le comité aura pour mission de coconstruire et

low-carbon strategy

Participate in the new national low-carbon strategy!

Nicolas Hulot appelle les Français à participer à l’élaboration de la nouvelle Stratégie nationale bas-carbone. Elle fixera d’ici fin 2018 une nouvelle trajectoire de réduction d’émissions plus ambitieuse, conformément aux engagements de l’Accord de Paris, pour prendre en compte notre objectif de neutralité carbone à l’horizon 2050. Elle s’appuiera sur


Artificialization of land: in order to tax it, it must be well defined.


France has long been alarmed at the artificialization of a department every ten years. However, we are still far from putting an end to it, as the President of the Republic pledged during his election campaign. This is why we must welcome the return of this issue to the political agenda, at the same time as it is being discussed in the European Parliament.

circular economy

The circular economy roadmap is for March 2018


Le Plan climat présenté par Nicolas Hulot le 6 juillet dernier donnait une place centrale à l’économie circulaire, révolution économique primordiale, source de compétitivité et d’innovation, dont l’enjeu majeur est d’éviter l’épuisement des ressources de notre planète. Face à un modèle économique « à bout de souffle », il s’agirait de « réconcilier l’économie




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