


Reinventing the meaning of politics Today's political triumph consists in the monopolization of the eyes. Contemporary political art is that of being noticed, of appearing. Politics is thus, more than ever, the object of unlimited observation; it is hyper-observed (1) , which is not without consequences for nature.

single man2

We (Humanity)


The ultimate determining unit of survival of every human being is the whole of humanity. It is the end point of the evolutionary mechanism in which we are engaged. The expansion on all continents of globalization, the global development of hyperinformation, the defection of nation-states to supra-national entities, the emergence of the "global village", the rise of the "global village", the rise of the "global village", the rise of the "global village", the rise of the "global village", the rise of the "global village", the rise of the "global village", the rise of the "global village", the rise of the "global village", the rise of the "global village", the rise of the "global village", the rise of the "global village", the rise of the "global village", the rise of the "global village", the rise of the "global village", the rise of the "global village", the rise of the "global village", the rise of the "global village", the rise of the "global village", the rise of the "global village", the rise of the "global village", the rise of the "global village", the rise of the "global village".


Nostalgia, the land of still time


The dilated present is the space-time of the present man whose consciousness becomes Odyssean (1) . In his eternal present, man does not stop walking, quenching his thirst that devours him to try the adventure of the elsewhere of time. The same adventure as that of Odysseus abandoning Penelope and his island of Ithaca, or the island of Ithaca.


Information: that's life!


The information was not invented by humans. It is life itself. Credit Illustration © Denis Leenhardt Erwin Schrödinger, founding father of quantum mechanics, published in 1944 a small book with a simple but ambitious title: What is life? In a dazzling intuition, he saw that the


Stress, man's suffering insufficient


By the end of the 20th century, "fatigue of being oneself" took precedence over neurotic anxiety, which was the dominant disease in the 19th century (1). (1) Today's society imposes levels of demands that are increasingly unbearable for the individual, leaving the field open for new suffering. The neurotic suffers because he or she


Knowledge, the knowledge revolution


  The universality and diversity of the knowledge available through hyperinformational flows calls for the collectivisation of knowledge for the first time. It is impossible today for a single human being or a single group to master all the knowledge made available to them on digital networks. "Encyclopedia" meant a circle


Crowd: Emotional Communion


The predominance of information-emotions that pervade the entire media sphere (whether informative, entertaining or advertising) leads, at times, to a spectacular aggregation of individuals. The examples are numerous and everyone can measure the acceleration of the phenomenon. Two cases can be distinguished: those that are


Privacy: the issue of privacy


Pending the multiplication, in the immediate future, of "intelligent objects", the ordinary mobile phone is already a particularly effective tool for better understanding and possibly for tracing our social interactions. To know in detail the intimacy of our private life. Some researchers talk about


Virtual: that other reality


Seeing the world is no longer just about observing it through glasses or telescopes; it is no longer about imagining it through scriptural or photographic transpositions, it is no longer just about discovering it through giant, luminous or flat screens; it is nowadays about pulling it out, making it
