vertigo robot

VertiGo: the robot that makes us climb to the ceiling

Student engineers from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich developed a robot that can roll over walls using mobile aerial propellers at the request of Disney Research Laboratories. It is called VertiGo. A very light four-wheeled robot with a strong grip, propelled by a mobile aerial propeller.


New promoters of bioinspired inventions

The year 2015 has been marked by events to show the advantages of biomimicry for the industry. The next biodiversity law, which will be discussed in January in the Senate, should strengthen the impetus in this area. Stakes and prospects. "It is not up to nature to produce like our factories, it is up to our


New promoters of bioinspired inventions


The year 2015 has been marked by events to show the advantages of biomimicry for the industry. The next biodiversity law, which will be discussed in January in the Senate, should strengthen the impetus in this area. Stakes and prospects. "It is not up to nature to produce like our factories, it is up to our
