bio innovation

Decoration: the walls go green

It is well known that spring arrives with its desire for changes: cleaning, storage, decoration, ... It is therefore the time to take advantage of the latest innovations in terms of painting. The latest one is based on algae. Portrait of these new materials, which are called bio-sourced and which are moreover


Genetics out of control

Thanks to CRISPR, this Chinese researcher was able, almost alone, to produce genetically modified babies. The information went around the world in just a few hours: a Chinese researcher announced this week that he had been able to deliver two genetically modified babies. A world premiere that has propelled


Genetically manipulated media

Biotechnological risks, access to and sharing of the benefits of biodiversity: these are the issues at stake at the United Nations Conference on Biodiversity (COP14, COPMOP3 and COPMOP9 ), which is being held in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, from 17 to 29 November 2018. Decision-makers from more than 190 countries are expected to

Bio-economy compasses

The living as a compass


From climate marches, massive petitions calling for political action, rainy platforms to mobilize a definitive start... to the artists - soon to be as appalled as the economists - behind Juliette Binoche. The movement spurred by Nicolas Hulot's resignation is gaining momentum. If he is going to leave the front

mosquito gene drive

CRISPR genetically modified organisms would cross the species barrier. And that's very bad news.

Malaria, Zika, chikungunya... are terrible scourges. Caused by mosquitoes that all the affected countries intend to eradicate. Researchers have long been examining chemical (insecticides), physical (radiation), transgenic solutions... Nothing seems to be effective enough next to a bludgeoning weapon: genetic forcing. It is a


Organisms modified by CRISPR are legally GMOs

The scientific-economic-judicial battle has been raging for ten years. Are organisms (plants or animal species) modified by genetic engineering tools such as CRISPR GMOs or not? The Court of Justice of the European Union has just handed down its verdict, which will henceforth set a precedent: organisms modified by


Biosourced, a value for the future? Towards a "win-win" social contract between stakeholders

Reducing global warming and improving the carbon balance; designing, creating and producing ecological and sustainable products, committing to the sustainable use of resources by using recyclable raw materials... all these are challenges to encourage the use of bio-sourced materials. So can bio-sourced materials be recognized as a "value"?

Yi Li

Does modifying a plant by CRISPR make it a GMO?

Yi Li is a professor in the Department of Plant Science at the University of Connecticut. He is a world-renowned specialist in plant physiology, biotechnology and breeding. Author of an impressive number of scientific papers, he has developed several notable transgenic technologies such as the development of fruit

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