Christine Marsan

Essayiste, chroniqueuse UP’ Magazine

Would we risk an imaginary deficit?

A paradigm shift in civilization also means a radical change in reference points and a recomposition of the structural elements of society. We cannot think of the world in the making with the frame of reference of the one who created it, Einstein said. Changing the paradigm of civilization means re-founding our

community living

Choose your words, they shape the world...

Each day brings its share of articles, videos, and posts that use profanity and insults about others. This cliffs the exchanges and radicalizes the positions between individuals and communities. Alain Bentolila, Professor of Linguistics at the University of Paris Descartes, says: "Words do not weight

new solidarity

The major challenge of the transition: manifesting the "ET".

Deciding to reconcile contradictions, to bring opposing actors into dialogue and to find multidisciplinary solutions to the inextricable paradoxes of our complexity becomes an ethical imperative for a successful transition of civilization. Indeed, in the age of the anthropocene, our decisions now have an impact on the whole world, all of us, and the world as a whole.

Generations X, Y, Z, Milleniums

Where are the young people now?

For some time now, thousands of young high school and university students have been taking to the streets every week, all over the world, to question their governments on the climate and social emergency. These figures of today's youth come in succession of generations of young people who have become their elders. Successive generations

house of cards

Society dislocated and widespread above ground

In a period of infobesity, everything is on the same level: news overwrites previous information in a few minutes. The scrolling of the data participates in the permanent zapping. One craze follows another like so many straw fires, without necessarily many long-term commitments. This turmoil contributes to the dislocation of institutions.

yellow jackets

Resistance to change

The complex phenomenon of rebellion in France or how to get out of individual and collective blockages It is highly likely that the "Yellow Vests" are the spark that could ignite the powder keg, the expression of multiple social bills. The questions that arise are: why now? Why so many


Migrants: a subject that smells of sulfur, complex and essential - Between fears and humanism

Migrants, climatic, economic, political, is it possible to talk about them with lucidity and calm in order to reach peaceful answers? We have, with the values of our Republic, the resources to integrate differences and co-construct tomorrow in peace and lucidity. Let us become an example of societal innovation for the world.  


Biomimétisme social et coopération – Une résilience à portée de main

Aujourd’hui nous avons du mal à imaginer notre futur, car tous les clignotants climatiques sont au rouge et conduisent plutôt à penser l’effondrement qu’à voir les opportunités de résilience. Pourtant, la biologie nous dit que c’est principalement en période difficile que le vivant coopère et c’est lors de phases d’abondance

man-technology transition

Above ground and commitment

No doubt many of you have experienced the versatility of human relationships and the difficulty of meeting commitments. There are several concomitant factors and a consequence on the transition we are making. Above symbolic ground We are living in a period of our humanity, the anthropocene[1], which is characterized by the following characteristics

women's violence

Televised debates and petitions remind us that verbal or physical attacks on women are unacceptable, as they are against any person. What these testimonies do is to make the debate public and to say "stop" is a good thing, but to what end? The question of object and subject When a man looks at a woman insistently and clearly expresses his desire, without her agreeing in any way with this type of interaction, this is obviously unbearable. And what is even more unbearable is that it can be considered normal and that mothers minimize the "feelings" of the woman.


Débat télévisé, pétitions viennent rappeler que commettre des agressions verbales ou physiques contre des femmes est inacceptable, comme elle l’est contre toute personne. Ce que ces témoignages permettent c’est de rendre le débat public et de dire « stop » est une bonne chose, mais à quoi ? La question de l’objet et

policy analysis

One world is falling apart, the new one's ready...

Voilà plusieurs dizaines d’années que différents intellectuels se succèdent pour annoncer la fin d’un paradigme et l’émergence d’un nouveau. Dans tous les domaines les repères du passé se fracassent sur les crises de sens. Individuellement et collectivement, chacun sent que les valeurs et les fondements de l’ancien paradigme s’effritent et

awareness and spirituality

Societal fracture: rise of a new consciousness?

A number of events in "civil" society are contributing to a new human consciousness, which is gradually becoming spiritualized. The sharing of the problems experienced by humanity and the planet leads to a generalisation of awareness of the difficulties and contributes to the elevation of human consciousness.

charlie hebdo

Charlie Hebdo: "the clash of civilizations"?

Assassiner pour des idées et qui plus est, au nom de Dieu est inqualifiable ; c’est l’annihilation du sens même de l’altérité prônée précisément par toutes les spiritualités et les religions. Mais lorsque les extrémismes politiques ou religieux s’expriment, il n’est plus question de spiritualité, mais de déchaînements de passions




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