
INRA's Participatory Sciences Mission

A mission on participatory sciences has been entrusted by the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research to François Houllier, CEO of INRA and President of the National Research Alliance for the Environment (AllEnvi) in order to promote its development. By the end of the year, he will propose to


Appeal against climate crime

Plusieurs dizaines de personnalités internationales de premier rang s’unissent aujourd’hui autour d’un appel pour « en finir avec les crimes climatiques ». En finir avec les discussions interminables, dilatoires et incertaines et passer à l’action. Enfin.   Les signataires sont de toutes origines et de toutes nationalités (voir la liste des cent

grand palace climate

Climat Solutions COP21: immersion at the Grand Palais

Vivez l’expérience climat avec l’exposition grand public, immersive et gratuite de Solutions COP21 au Grand Palais du 4 au 10 décembre 2015    Du 4 au 10 décembre 2015, 50.000 visiteurs sont attendus pour vivre l’expérience climat Solutions Cop 21, au travers des solutions climat développées par les associations/ ONG,


Climate: France sets an example


On the occasion of the signature, on 22 July, of 100 new positive energy territories agreements for green growth, the Ministry of Ecology published a new brochure entitled "La France exemplaire. Les territoires en action": 32 pages covering the main actions of these labelled territories.  

autodesk POC21

Autodesk supports the 1st 'Innovation Camp' in Paris

Acting together: Autodesk is taking part in the POC21 project, the first 'Innovation Camp' in Paris, to combat climate change and resource depletion. With the mission to create solutions validating the concept of a sustainable society. Next December, politicians and business leaders will meet at

climate variability

Climate Change: Active Scientific Mobilisation

As negotiators prepare an agreement text for COP21, which is expected to establish a new climate regime, the international scientific community is gathering in Paris for four days, from 7 to 10 July, under the auspices of global scientific institutions (ICSU [World Science Council] and FutureEarth [International Programme on Climate Change]).

climate variability

The Museum and the Climate

As a leading scientific and societal player, a crossroads where research, public authorities, NGOs, businesses and citizens meet, the National Museum of Natural History has for many years developed expertise on biodiversity, which gives it a special place in the study of climate change and which will be fully relevant to the study of the future.

energy transition

Climate change: towards a global carbon price coalition?


A l’approche de la conférence Paris-climat 2015, la chaire Economie du Climat (CEC) de l’université Paris-Dauphine et la Toulouse School of Economics (TSE) ont lancé une démarche commune de mobilisation d’économistes pour souligner le rôle des instruments économiques et de la tarification du carbone dans tout accord international, seule véritable

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