global warming

+7°C: New scientific projections are alarming

Global warming is shaping up to be more serious than expected, with the worst-case scenario predicting +7°C in 2100, French scientists warned Tuesday, presenting new and very alarming climate models that will serve as a basis for the IPCC. The UN climate experts will unveil in 2021 their new assessment report on

The urgency of adapting to the climate emergency

The urgency of adapting to the climate emergency

Le monde n’est pas suffisamment préparé à la crise climatique qui s’annonce. C’est le constat que dresse une cinquantaine de personnalités réunies sous l’égide des Nations Unies. Si nous ne nous préparons pas plus à l’urgence climatique, nous subirons de plein fouet les effets du dérèglement climatiques parmi lesquels pauvreté,

Our leaders are playing debt versus climate poker

Our leaders are playing debt versus climate poker


The horizon of the debt mountain prevents our leaders from properly posing the problems. Despite the alarm cries of the scientific community on the issue of climate change and the unprecedented risks to which the vast majority of humanity is exposed, the economic paradigm remains marbled. Preservation of resources and


It hasn't been this hot anywhere on Earth in 2,000 years...

Le réchauffement dont nous constatons les effets brûlants aujourd’hui est inédit. Au cours des 2 000 dernières années, aucun événement n’est comparable. Jamais les températures mondiales n’avaient augmenté aussi rapidement que maintenant, selon des données publiées mercredi 24 juillet. Un constat alarmant à l’échelle planétaire qui, selon les experts, devrait

global warming

Climate Policy: The Principle of Unlimited Irresponsibility


A few weeks ago, a conference was held at the Collège de France organized by the Institut Louis Bachelier, bringing together a group of top economists. The first surprise, which is not a surprise at all, was a magnificent graph showing the close link between growth in world gross domestic product and growth in energy consumption since 1990.


Will 2019 be the summer of the great drought?

Après l’épisode caniculaire qui a frappé ces dernières semaines l’Europe en général et la France en particulier, doit-on s’attendre à un retour des grandes sécheresses ?  Les météorologues nous prédisent une saison estivale des plus chaudes ; les hydrogéologues, qui mesurent l’état des nappes phréatiques et des réserves d’eau françaises, sont


How to refresh Paris?

Paris is under experiment. The question of urban cooling in the light of the climatic challenges of today and tomorrow is on everyone's mind. And particularly in those of the accelerator of innovative urban projects FAIRE, which is launching three innovative experiments in the capital. Presentations. Since 2017, FAIRE, accelerator

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