Facebook dislove

Big Tech: the big de-love.

We don't look at them the same way anymore. Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, Apple, Google and other giants of Silicon Valley have become monstrous entities because of their inordinate size, their financial power sometimes greater than that of some states, the insolent fortune of their young leaders; companies sometimes old

ethics and algorithms

Ethics, the great oblivion of algorithms?

From morning to night, we are confronted with algorithms. But this exposure is not without danger. Their influence on our political opinions, our moods or our choices is proven. Far from being neutral, algorithms make the value judgements of their developers, and subject us to them.

Christmas Toys

How to choose the right Christmas toy?

La course aux jouets bat son plein à l’approche de Noël. Comment choisir des cadeaux éco-responsables ? Comment les enfants utilisent-ils les catalogues de Noël ? Comment les jouets peuvent-ils devenir un outil pédagogique en management d’équipe ? Trois enseignantes-chercheuses de l’ISC Paris (1) apportent des éléments de réponse dans

Trump Environment Decisions

Trump vs. environment: a 60-step plan for mass destruction

Vu de ce côté de l’Atlantique, on ne voit de la politique environnementale menée par Donald Trump depuis son accession au pouvoir que le retrait de l’Accord de Paris. L’acte a fait l’effet d’un séisme, il est visible médiatiquement, mais c’est l’arbre qui cache la forêt. Il occulte un travail

Tesla - Elon Musk

TESLA: Uploading the future


Elon Musk, an archetypal Silicon Valley entrepreneur, cut out for a blockbuster from Marvel Studios, believes he can change the world and solve its fundamental problems. Some of his companies - PayPal, SpaceX, Hyperloop, and Tesla - aim to rethink structural industries: banking, space, transportation, and energy.

scientific knowledge

How do the French view scientific research?

Proud of the French scientific community, the French have an unshakeable faith in research, a vector of progress and competitiveness for the country, according to the exclusive Quattrocento - Opinionway study: "French views and expectations on scientific research". Innovation, financing, business creation: is French research still in the race?

sociological and technological change

Social changes - Technological changes: a crossroads of views

Numerous innovations are revolutionizing the world, calling into question economic balances and lifestyles. Technological advances and the social transformations that result from them or are at the origin of them give rise to both enthusiasm and controversy, both on their long-term scope and the risks they entail. The changes

Chinese innovation

Time for innovation in China


China, the world's number one patent applicant, has embarked on very ambitious innovation programs in all sectors of the economy: health, education, urban planning, high-speed train transport, urban planning, digital transition, infrastructure, sustainable development, industry 4.0, aerospace sector, etc. Innovation, especially ecological innovation, has become a priority for companies today.

women's violence

Televised debates and petitions remind us that verbal or physical attacks on women are unacceptable, as they are against any person. What these testimonies do is to make the debate public and to say "stop" is a good thing, but to what end? The question of object and subject When a man looks at a woman insistently and clearly expresses his desire, without her agreeing in any way with this type of interaction, this is obviously unbearable. And what is even more unbearable is that it can be considered normal and that mothers minimize the "feelings" of the woman.


Débat télévisé, pétitions viennent rappeler que commettre des agressions verbales ou physiques contre des femmes est inacceptable, comme elle l’est contre toute personne. Ce que ces témoignages permettent c’est de rendre le débat public et de dire « stop » est une bonne chose, mais à quoi ? La question de l’objet et

sensory marketing

Paradox of the sensitive and the industry

Le concept de marketing sensoriel est venu se heurter à une vision beaucoup plus naïve que l’on pouvait avoir de l’univers des sens, notamment depuis la création du premier laboratoire mondial de recherches sensorielles, Certesens, en 2012 à Tours. Le toucher, la sonorité, le goût, le parfum ou les couleurs comptent de

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