artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence: the complex question of ethics

Avec le développement des intelligences artificielles se posent de nombreuses questions sociétales. En particulier, comment définir une éthique de ce domaine ? Armen Khatchatourov, philosophe à Télécom École de Management et membre de la Chaire « Valeurs et politiques des informations personnelles » de l’IMT, observe et analyse avec attention


Human, Post-Human: at the European Bioethics Forum

On 30 January next, the European Bioethics Forum will open its seventh edition until 4 February. On the theme "Human, post-human", which will be broken down into 35 debates, 135 experts, 40 major witnesses from the public, 370 schoolchildren and the general public will give their views. The human being is being transformed before our eyes, physically,

applied neurosciences

New brain for the new year

Renewing ourselves, seeking new resources and inventing a new harmony for human nature. To acquire this new agility, the assets and limitations of the brain require hard work. To imagine a different future by confronting ourselves with the retrospective powers of memory. Open our perceptions to discover


Bioéconomie : placer le vivant au coeur du moteur de l’économie


Le ministre de l’Agriculture, Stéphane Le Foll, a présenté ce 18 janvier la stratégie française pour soutenir la bioéconomie. Le terme de bioéconomie désigne la production et la transformation des biomasses d’origine agricole, forestière, marine ou issue de déchets. Ces ressources peuvent être utilisées non seulement pour nous nourrir mais aussi


Nanotechnologies: What are the drawbacks?

Nanotechnology and nanomaterials use tiny particles of the nanometre (millionth of a millimetre) size and have immense potential to improve our quality of life. However, as with any new technology or development, there are potential drawbacks. A report by GreenFacts (1). One

applied neurosciences

The virtues of agile projects - Experience the pleasure of learning and surpassing oneself

Over the past few decades, projects have transformed the way people work together. In essence, they have confronted the power relationships associated with silos, forcing the organization to invent inter-directorate committees. They have challenged relational skills and forced technicians to discover negotiation. This learning process has

CRISPR danger

Could CRISPR-Cas9 become a weapon of mass destruction?

CRISPR-Cas9, cet outil moléculaire d’édition génétique dont nous relatons assidument les développements dans nos colonnes, pourrait devenir, entre les mains de terroristes, une arme de destruction massive. C’est ce que pensent les experts de la CIA qui ont alerté, il y a quelques jours, le président Obama. Cette technologie de

grown man

The Augmented Man, a fantasy come true...

The emergence of new technologies and the progress made in many fields (digital, robotics, medicine...) have revolutionized our daily life and the way we look at the evolution of humanity in just a few years. What will we look like in the future? What are the limits? Answers at the France Culture conference


Will we ever be immortal?

In less than fifteen years, the prophecies of those who foretell the victory over death and the triumph of a non-biological life form are likely to be fulfilled. Google's slogan "we're going to kill death" is not just an advertising slogan. For unbridled technology is moving inexorably towards the

Alain Ducasse

First genetically engineered dinner: Ducasse was on the stove!

La société biopharmaceutique Cellectics vient d’organiser un dîner d’aliments issus de l’édition du génome à New York. Une première mondiale qui a suscité six mois de préparation et de nombreux tests culinaires conduits par le laboratoire d’Alain Ducasse.     Cellectis, société biopharmaceutique américaine spécialisée dans le développement d’immunothérapies fondées

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