Did you say waste?

2014, année européenne de la lutte contre le gaspillage alimentaire : le Parlement européen a adopté début 2012 une résolution demandant des mesures urgentes pour réduire de moitié le gaspillage alimentaire d’ici 2025. Face au gaspillage alimentaire à tous les stades –- producteurs, transformateurs, détaillants, services de restauration et consommateurs


A farm in town

La population mondiale est de 6 milliards d’habitants sur terre. Demain (vers 2100), nous serons 10 milliards. Plus urbains aussi. Et il faudra nourrir tout ce beau monde….tout en préservant les ressources naturelles. Damien Chivialle a envisagé la question avec l’oeil de l’inventeur. Résultat : une ferme en ville, au


Against bee-killing insecticides


A motion for a resolution has just been presented to the Senate on 19 June to ban all neonicotinoids in the EU to protect our health, but also the environment and pollinating insects. On the occasion of the colloquium organised on 5 June at the Senate on the theme "for a pollinator-friendly agriculture", the French Senate has just presented a motion for a resolution to ban all neonicotinoids in the EU in order to protect our health, the environment and pollinating insects.


Think positive: the culinary revolution is on the move

In 45 countries around the world, in Paris and in the provinces, the Jamie Oliver Foundation is mobilising for healthy, joyful and sustainable food Jamie Oliver, media leader and activist Jamie Oliver, media leader and activist, has imagined a unique international event to share the pleasures of healthy eating with the family, at school or in the workplace.

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